It also states that there is little to no fps loss compared to rcrn which has a noticeable fps hit. So basically you get the amazing weather system of climates, but also get the best of the interior/exterior lighting with no post processing. Many have stated, that this mod surpasses the current RCRN and is a successor to Realistic Lighting with Customization that is compatible with Climates of Tameril. I have been reading in the comment section and personally pmed the author and have gotten some positive reactions to this mod. It also gained 1000 plus endorsements in less than a week and also was complimented by the nexus creator himself darkone. In less than a week or 2, this mod has gained a tremendous following that many in the community have stated to be the best lighting overhaul in nexus.

I am actually curious what the step team thinks about this mod. Fixed an issue with the placement of FXfireWithEmbersLogs01 in Whiterundrunkenhuntsman This is compatible with Enhanced Lights and FX. Added Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors for ELnFX. Does not alter any cells and is compatible with Enhanced Lights and FX. Added Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities & Town Interiors + for ELnFX esp which will add RLO lighting without full mod features as of yet. Added Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons + Dungeons for ELnFX - This is a temporary esp which will add RLO lighting without full mod features as of yet. Made a version of RLO without any cell changes whatsoever - this now makes RLO 100% compatible with Enhanced Lights and FX. Added Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Imagespace/Lighting/Lighting Template Support for Dungeons and remaining interiors. Also now recommends the Skyrim Particle Patch by Mindflux. Now compatible with Enhanced lights and FX. Now that this replacement of RLwC is finally available, more extensive comparisons among lighting mods and lighting fixes, and combinations of these, can be accomplished.Ī lot of detail is available in the description page this is just a summary of some key features. It includes the Particle Patch by Mindflux. It is intended to be compatible with any Weather mod such as Climates of Tamriel. It would eliminate the need for mods such as Relighting Skyrim, Volrath's various lighting fixes, and Enhanced lights and FX. This mods goal is to provide all the lighting fixes needed including flickering and elimination of shadow striping, and to do so without the use of post processing such as ENB. Updates to provide exterior lighting will be available shortly. It currently provides interior lighting, some lighting for spells, and a preliminary version of lighting for weather. Realistic Lighting Overhaul is the new lighting mod that replaces Realistic Lighting with Customization.