In a video made by PetterBolos12, Paul's last name is revealed to be "Cooler". Paul was created by ThomasTheBlueWiggle and is a BIG time troublemaker.

Paul Cooler is the main protagonist of The Paul Show.

Paul Jones ( Dan's dad) was created by MarioParty4To7RulesAlt. On October 29th, 2015, Paul and many other voices were removed. He is also a principal and an enemy of Nick (Troublemaker) He was created by MarioParty4To7RulesAlt as well as all other users.

He used to be one of the troublemakers that got grounded a lot but not anymore and he is now a good guy. PC Guy, Becky's Father, Adrianna's stepfather Paul Palwak (or Paul Waterguy) (better known as Paul in PC Guy mode) is a character on GoAnimate.